Sammantha Trias' Get Well Fund 💕

/ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/

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Sammantha 🐻


July 31, 2023

July 17th New Update!


Long time no update! Let's just say chemo is exhausting. June 7th, I was able to go back home from my in-patient stay at the hospital for the induction phase of my chemo protocol. My bone marrow and spinal fluid are still clear, so yay! My PET scan also shows that my previously swollen lymph nodes have shrunk and disappeared, so also yay! However, my specific lymphoma can still be in my bloodstream, so we still need to follow the 2+ year protocol to better prevent relapse. I'm now 4 weeks into my consolidation phase, which has been rough. It consists of weekly chemo infusions, chemo lumbar punctures, at-home subcutaneous chemo shots, and chemo pills. I had my first ER visit due to extreme weakness, and it turns out my blood levels were so low I needed a blood infusion. My white blood cell count was also near zero, so I had to take antibiotics and white blood cell booster shots for a few days. Good part was that it gave me a week break from chemo! It felt great feeling normal for once. The fight had been tough. Most of the week I feel bedridden and awful, and appetite has taken a fall. I'll be lucky if I get 2 days of feeling "okay" in a week. Not only is the physical aspect tough, but also the mental. I find myself missing "pre-cancer me." I also hate constantly being in pain, and what's worse is that the pain causes anxiety! I'm currently trying to figure out how to balance my anxiety through all this, and hopefully I'll find something to make my experience a little more tolerable. Consolidation should end in late August/early September, then I'll start the next phase of my treatment (which is supposedly easier). I hope the fight until then goes smoothly! Sam

May 6, 2023

My First Update!

Hello! 💗 My name is Sammantha Trias and I'm an aspiring elementary school teacher hoping to create educational environments that help young students thrive not only in their academics, but also in their individual developments! Since August 2022, I was working as a paraeducator, and I was on my way to start a Master's in Teaching after being accepted to UC Davis' teaching credential program. However, on April 11th, I received a call from my doctor that... I have cancer. It all started with a lump in my hip and an increasing fatigue. It took a while to schedule appointments just to check out the lump, but I eventually got a biopsy. After days of testing and scans, we found out that I have stage 4 T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. With my lymph nodes swollen in my waist area as well as in my chest, we also found out there is a small amount of cancer in my bone marrow through a bone marrow biopsy. So many things were dropped on me in just one phone call. My new oncologist told me that I'd need to undergo in-patient intensive chemotherapy for a month. That I'd need to start IVF oocyte cryopreservation in case the chemo affected my fertility. That I need to start medical leave for my job. That I should look into deffered enrollment for my master's program. That my life was about to change. I was so scared. The thought of leaving home for a month terrified me. My dreams of a future family were at risk. I went to google for comfort in between the information gathering periods, which of course... NEVER helps! The "what-ifs" were overwhelming. I'd wake up next to my boyfriend every morning crying, hoping this was all a horrible nightmare. But it's not. As the days went on, I started coping better with the news. I'm so grateful for my support system: my family, my friends, and most of all, my boyfriend who's been with me ever since the diagnosis. My wonderful mother even helped me sort out what I needed to do for work and insurance to keep a load off my chest. I haven't felt alone once and I'm so thankful for that. Instead of mourning over my new diagnosis, I accepted that this is just another hurdle of life thrown at me, and I'm ready to tear it down! I'm motivated to get better and stay strong during this journey. As of yesterday, I finished my IVF stimulation cycle, which was pretty rough with all the hormonal symptoms. After the occyte retrieval procedure, they told me they retrieved 9 oocytes, but I was messaged this morning that there are only 6 being sent to cryopreservation now. It's a bummer, but better than nothing. I will also be taking a drug during chemo that will cut off the blood circulation to my ovaries, theoretically defending them from my chemo drugs. With both these procedures, I hope my family plans for the future can be secured. The big day is May 9th! That's when I get my port and immediately check into the hospital. Honestly, I'm more excited than in despair because I'll finally be treating my cancer. It was a long journey just to get here, with all the scans and the IVF cycle, but we're finally starting! Wish me luck on the next phase of my journey! Also, hospital bills can get expensive, and I'm sure they'll get even more expensive in the future, so if you would like to consider donating, please click the button with the link at the top of the page! We're still not sure how to implement personal thank you notes, but if you've already donated, thank you so much!!! Your support means the world to me and makes the process so much easier. Thank you!!!!! 💗 Thanks for reading and wish me luck on my journey! I'm staying strong! 💪🏻 😈 Love, Sam

Leave us a message :)


Emily28 d ago

You’re a ray of sunshine Sam ❤️ We haven’t spoken in a million years, but know that I am forever praying for you and know that your spirit will persevere through any trials you face. Beeg hug! 🫂 And mucho luv 💝

Julien86 d ago

Love you! Keep fighting bb <3

Jes272 d ago

Just noticed this... What a cute site and page you got here!! I hope your days are filled with happiness, especially the ones that seem dark. I hope you never lose your wonderful smile even on your angriest days. I hope you remember how loved and cherished you are by so many. You're a beautiful soul, and I hope you remember that as well ❤️

rayjo426 d ago

go sammy go sammy! i love you!

Julien (Again)513 d ago

Just wanted to stop by again and say that I love you and you are stronger than you know <3

Dave and Christine Weichert527 d ago

Thinking of you. Keep your positive spirt. You've got this!

Auntie Virg527 d ago

Hi Sam, you are a smart, sweet, and lovely young lady; most of all strong! When we last talked, you said to me "I got this!" and yes you do! I love you Sam and always know I'm here for you:)

Rachel YFC529 d ago

i love you so much sam! forever mfc 😌😌 cancer ain’t got nothing on u 😪

Erika R. 530 d ago

Hey Sam!! I know we haven’t talked in a bit, but I wanted to let you know that I’m cheering you on from the sidelines. It’s beautiful to see all the love & support surrounding you. You’ve clearly touched many people’s lives in such a positive way! I can’t wait to see what an amazing teacher you’ll be, you’re gonna do great! I’m wishing you all the best! 💞

Natalie Rhoades 531 d ago

Thinking of you and your family, Sam! May this next month put you on the path to recovery ❤️

gloria531 d ago

praying for you! this too shall pass. be strong. be prayerful. keep the faith. hugs❤️

Maria Nazarre531 d ago

Hi Samantha I will be praying for you!! I know how difficult this journey can be but you got this!! 🙏🙏

Iya531 d ago

Hi ate sam!! You’re strong and I know that you got this! I hope that u get well soon so we can play again :)) i love you so much, ate sam!! You’re in prayer.❤️❤️❤️

Esme HT533 d ago

Sam, it’s been forever and I know we were never particularly close but you’ve always been such a ray of sunshine!!! ☀️✨☀️ I’ll be rooting for you every second of this fight. Shattering to hear about your struggle but I can see how loved and supported you are and my heart swells - you GOT this!! 🫶🏼☀️💪🏼

C533 d ago

I'm glad you recognize all the support you have and will grow through this. You are clearly loved, adored, and cared for by many people. I will do my best to support you in any way I can 🩷

Andie Carroll533 d ago

Hey Sam, I am heartbroken to hear this news. I know it’s been a while since we talked but I always look back on our memories together and smile. You have a light within you that cannot be put out. Know that I am with you in spirit and sending you strength. 💕

Nancy Gomez533 d ago

Hi sam!! I know it’s been so long since I last saw you. Remember when we were pen pals LOL. I am just as shocked as the rest of your friends and family. I will be keeping you in my thoughts as you battle. Maybe we can talk soon 💓💓💓 Sending love.

Tiffany Harris534 d ago

Hi Sammy. I worked with Grace Song years and year ago in the PICU at LLU. I had stage 3 head and neck cancer 4 years ago. 10 hour excision and reconstructive surgery 60 % of my tongue resected, 33 rounds of radiation and chemo and I am cancer free. I felt that I had to go thru this and God would get me thru. I didn't get a big miracle, like look no cancer so you don't need surgery, but I did get a million little miracles of people showing up and just happening to have the right insurance and on and on. Feed your mind on stories of people who have overcome the odds and had miracles. Cut off the naysayers and negative people. You need all your strength to beat this thing. You have a great team and a great support. You got it. and God's got you. ~. Tiffany Harris RN

Ethan534 d ago

You got this!! You have so much support around you. Your strength and kindness has and will touch so many, we are rooting for you! Get well soon!!!😄💪🏻 ps I still remember you counting my 500 freestyle in swim and still appreciate it to this day!

Jul534 d ago

It may be shocking news for all of us, especially for you. I know you can do it, you're a fighter >:0 You need to fight it!! To achieve your dream!! And live your life to the fullest. I might not see you for a long time being, but I know we will meet soon!! (>^_^)><(^o^<)

Mary Anne534 d ago

You got this bae! You’re the strongest person I know! If anyone could beat cancer, it’s you! I love you soo much!!

Chris534 d ago

Sam, me and Margaret got your back 100%!!! Hang in there, we’re cheering you on.

Sami534 d ago

Stay shining bright like sunshine. You got this dude 💛

Letty534 d ago

Sam you are you so smart and strong and I will pray for you. You are an amazing gal and have so much to offer this world! I love you, stay strong my friend ♥️♥️ I will be rooting for you to get through this ♥️

Faith534 d ago

My fellow anime x kpop x teaching friend: you’re so strong!! I’ll be thinking of you and I know you will get through this!! 화이팅 친구! 🤍

Lizzy534 d ago

Hey cousin you are amazing and such a huge light and always make me laugh until my stomach hurts. You’re going to get through this like an epic shounen protagonist and my family is behind you! LOVE YOUUUU

Hey Baby534 d ago

Sammanta, wow this is hard to believe. I have no doubt though that you will kick ass and keep on goin’. I love you, I’m here for you.

Julien548 d ago

We'll get through this together, I'm always here. Be stronk, like bear ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ Love, Julien <3